Super dual vs Tuareg 660

  • #1

    Hi all,

    Sorry to write in English it is not my mother tongue. I am from Spain. I really like this forum so I would like to ask you a question.

    I am looking for a motorbike 50/50 and for daily commute. My two choices are the SuDu 650 X or Tuareg 660.

    I know there are no comparables, but I would like to know you opinion as price is almost that half one to other.

    I see that SuDu has some minor reliability problems . Also , that people that have previously a SuDu from this forum move forward to Tuareg, I would like listen the experience and if really the Tuareg worth the price tag from the SuDu.

    Una vez más, lamento expresarme en inglés, sé que este es un foro alemán, pero la información que se encuentra aquí es realmente valiosa para mí.

    Hola a todos, Siento que escribo en inglés, este no es mi idioma nativo. Soy de España. Me gusta mucho este foro, así que quiero hacerte una pregunta. Busco una moto 50/50 y para el día a día. Mis dos opciones son el SuDu 650 X o el Tuareg 660. Sé que no hay modelos de comparación, pero me encantaría escuchar tu opinión porque el precio es casi la mitad que los demás. Veo que el SuDu tiene algunos problemas menores de fiabilidad. También me gustaría saber de las personas que anteriormente tenían un SuDu de este foro, y si el Tuareg realmente vale el precio del SuDu. Perdón de nuevo por expresarme en inglés, sé que este es un foro alemán, pero la información que se encuentra aquí es realmente valiosa para mí.

  • #2



    Tut mir leid, dass ich auf Englisch schreibe, es ist nicht meine Muttersprache. Ich komme aus Spanien. Da mir dieses Forum wirklich gefällt, möchte ich Ihnen eine Frage stellen.

    Ich suche ein 50/50-Motorrad für den täglichen Pendelverkehr. Meine beiden Möglichkeiten sind der SuDu 650 X oder der Tuareg 660.

    Ich weiß, dass es keine vergleichbaren Produkte gibt, würde aber gerne Ihre Meinung erfahren, da der Preis fast die Hälfte beträgt.

    Ich sehe, dass SuDu einige kleinere Zuverlässigkeitsprobleme hat. Auch, dass Leute, die zuvor einen SuDu aus diesem Forum hatten, zu Tuareg wechseln, ich würde mir gerne die Erfahrungen anhören und ob der Tuareg den Preis des SuDu wirklich wert ist.

    Es tut mir noch einmal leid, mich auf Englisch auszudrücken. Ich weiß, dass es sich um ein deutsches Forum handelt, aber die hier gefundenen Informationen sind für mich wirklich wertvoll.

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich auf Englisch schreibe, das ist nicht meine Muttersprache. Ich komme aus Spanien. Da mir dieses Forum wirklich gefällt, möchte ich Ihnen eine Frage stellen. Ich suche ein 50/50-Fahrrad für den Alltag. Meine beiden Optionen sind der SuDu 650 Ich sehe, dass der SuDu einige kleinere Zuverlässigkeitsprobleme hat. Ich würde auch gerne von Leuten aus diesem Forum hören, die zuvor einen SuDu besaßen, und ob der Tuareg den Preis des SuDu wirklich wert ist. Es tut mir noch einmal Leid, dass ich mich auf Englisch ausdrücke. Ich weiß, dass es sich um ein deutsches Forum handelt, aber die hier gefundenen Informationen sind wirklich wertvoll für mich.

  • #3

    Hóla josevvt,

    ¡Bienvenido a nuestro foro!

    I guess I can help you here. My father has a Tuareg 660 and I have a SuDu 650 X. Thus, I have ridden both and can compare.

    Long story short: Try both and find out which one suits you! They are very different motorcycles.

    The Tuareg is a full-on ride by wire, electronic toys, feature rich plastic bike. State of the art for the 2020s, one could say. The SuDu is entirely mechanical, except for the EFI and lights it works pretty much without electricity. On the Tuareg, you can basically not service anything of these systems yourself - on the other hand, they'll probably never need any. You've got different drive modes, engine mappings and whatnot. The SuDu has exactly one skill set - the one in your body.

    The Tuareg certainly has a much higher build quality. The SuDu is, in my opinion, quite poorly build with a loooong list of issues caused by shitty manufacturing quality. May be better nowadays that they are made in China - but mine still from Varese had an inacceptably huge list of defects and issues.

    The riders position is different on both, too. The Tuareg is better suited for men between 1,70m to 1,80m - I'm 1,83m and find it too small in its default configuration (footpegs, handle bar, seat height, ...). The SuDu is a perfect match for my body. Your body's center of weight, your position compared to the bike's center of mass, the angles of your upper body while standing, forces for steering or balancing - that's all really different on both bikes. Of course, either could be modified, but you probably don't want to buy a bike just to custom build it afterwards.

    The Tuareg's engine has noticably more power. But I find it lacks responsiveness, even in sports mode. From turning the handle to wheel power increasing it takes waaay longer than the SuDu - I'd say several hundred milliseconds. Sounds little, but makes a huuge difference even in road riding. The Tuareg vibrates less and in general is much smoother. The engine is more reliably, I never had it stall on me or chocke or just shut off because of fucking rain and whichever million other issues the SuDu engine has. It has higher maintenance intervalls and I'd trust it for a much longer lifetime, too.

    When going offroad, I find the Sudu more capable. Higher ground clearance, higher suspension travel (but: the stock suspension just sucks), more suitable engine, much better knee lock for me. More direct and precise steering. If not for the suspension, the poor clutch and low torque, I'd even call it a perfect 650-class enduro.

    The Tuareg can handle all the same terrain, certainly. But you'd probably have to take things a bit slower here and there. Or just be a better rider than I am. its electronics may save you here and there where the SuDu would slip or stall. For trail riding and pretty much anything I have ever seen in Spain, either bike will handle very well. For mud and sludge the SuDu is less shit (a < 100kg bike is good, then). If you ever drop it, the SuDu is hard to break. Apart from the usual handguards, mirrors, accessory lights, Levers and stuff I've never broken anything on it by crashing. And all of these components were shit right from the factory, anyway. Their replacements with quality parts last forever since. The Tuareg will likely break much more stuff, it's less protected and more plastic.

    Onroad, the Tuareg is more comfortable from seating position to the seat itself. Forget about the quickshifter, though, it works poorly and i.m.e. is no better than just using clutchless shifting by timing your left foot and gas hand yourself. I clutchlessly shift my SuDu and most other bikes from 2nd gear up anyway and it works as good as the quick shifter. Guess only KTM and maybe BMW really know how to build quickshifters worth it. The SuDu tops out at 170 km/h, but does not really like more than 120...130 highway speed. You feel the engine suffering if you push it beyond. The Tuareg certainly handles higher speed better on the long run.

    And last but not least: The SuDu has virtually no aftermarket. No accessorys ever labeled to fit it. Even spare parts are hard to find and most workshops will refuse to service or repair it. The Tuareg is very well known and you'll get whatever you need throughout most of Europe.

    Knowing both bikes I would never trade my SuDu for a Tuareg. Personal preferences. But I'd instantly trade it form something equal, if it just had better quality.

    Hope this gives you a good overview. Feel free to ask if anything's left.

    And really - get both for a really extensive test ride that covers several hours of your typical driving profile!



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