SWM 650 SM Fueling!

  • #1

    First of all, I apologise for not being able to post in German, but since it is not my native language and I do not know where else to seek help, I took the liberty of asking here on this forum.

    I am an owner of a 650 SM and am really disappointed on the fuelng of this bike. Very poor and jerky ON/OFF throttle response that ruins an experience that, otherwise, would be fantastic.

    Does anyone know about an alternative fuel injection mapping that solves this problem and turns throttle response more progressive?

    Thank you in advance for your time!

  • #2

    your dealer should be able to update the latest mapping and to check or correct the throttle position sensor. Your issue is well known here in this forum.
    Also my RS500 had the same problem, but it is solved since the engine map update in early spring time. I do not know which series your bike is, but the earlier ones and also mine which was bought in Oct 2016 have had this issues. I was also told by my dealer that a lot of the first ones had bad calibrated throttle position sensors...
    Good luck!

  • #3

    I have already contacted my dealer and they say the new mapping only solves the difficult start-up of the bike problem and has nothing to do with fueling.

    Is it possible they are misinformed, or are they just applying the incorrect map? (lacking the one that solves throttle response?)

    Thank you!

  • #4

    to which dealer do you go?
    If I got you right you mean with "fueling issues" some lack of throttle response, don't you?
    Well, my RS 500 had the issue after delivery that the throttle response was a bit twitchy, especially around the zero point. And when being in idle, sometimes engine got out with a "big plopp" when continuing with riding. With the new map, this issue has gone. Maybe you guess it is a fueling Problem. But I am not so sure...in my mind it was more a issue of bad ignition calibration. So I would just load the latest map anyway and see how it works...
    The calibration of the throttle position sensor is an other Thing. It is not a mapping update, just a calibration of the 0 and 100% position of the sensor. The dealer can check this too and if needed correct it, mean recalibrate it. If the 0 and 100% points are not well learned, for sure the whole mapping is not working well...
    hope this helps!

  • SirWill

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